Has gun violence changed your life? Tell your story to help make clear the urgent need to end gun violence.
Since February 2019, National Gun Violence Survivors Week has been marked annually by survivors, members of Congress, mayors and other elected officials, partners, celebrities, athletes, and thousands of people across the U.S. who come together to collectively share and amplify the stories and voices of gun violence survivors who live with the impact of gun violence every day.
Behind every gun violence statistic are countless stories — of parents who never got to kiss their kids goodbye, gunshot victims living with physical and emotional wounds, entire families heartbroken by gun suicide, or witnesses of gun crimes living with trauma. By sharing stories during this week and throughout the year, National Gun Violence Survivors Week highlights the human toll of gun violence in America and lets survivors know they are not alone — there is a community of people standing behind them.
Has gun violence changed your life? Tell your story to help make clear the urgent need to end gun violence.
The centerpiece of National Gun Violence Survivors Week is Moments That Survive, a year-round digital storytelling site where gun violence survivors across the country share defining details of their experiences, in their own words.
Join us virtually to learn about the impact of gun violence on different communities and how we can honor survivors with action.
Whether you are a survivor of gun violence or an ally to survivors, join in on the conversation on social media using the hashtag #GVSurvivorsWeek or create a National Gun Survivors Week profile to show support.
Join us as a partner in 2023 by committing to amplify the voices and stories of gun violence survivors and sharing information about the impact of gun violence on social media and virtual events.