My mother, Monique Kistner, was taken by gun violence in a homicide that occurred on January 5, 2022. The night I learned the news that my mother’s life was taken changed me forever. My mom was the most kind-hearted, altruistic woman to exist. She loved and cared about every person and every living thing that she met. My mom was always helping others, having dinner with people she could tell were lonely, or caring for hurt animals. She furnished the home of a woman bringing herself and her child out of homelessness, volunteered with the homeless in the community, and enjoyed spending time with people she met on the street. She did not boast about any of the work she did in her community. One friend described my mom as “her living saint.” It is without a doubt that gun violence took away my mom, my best friend and role model, too soon. She had a beautiful, special heart and spirit that I will hope to continue as her legacy.