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Alan Godfrey

In memory of Alan Godfrey, nicknamed Alamo

My son Alan Godfrey was senselessly shot and killed on July 20, 2021. I never would have thought — in a million years, would have never seen that coming. Not one person had anything bad to say about Alan. He was so loved. He was very active in the community.

When that knock came to my door, I just knew they were there for me to go and identify his body. I already knew he was gone. The worst thing of all is that I was on the phone with my son. I heard the gunshots. I was on the phone when my son took his last breath.

First it’s disbelief, then anger, then rage. This pain that I have in my heart. No one has the right to just senselessly take a life with a gun. I never, never ever saw that coming.

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