My son Allen Jermaine Fields was murdered June 12, 2013. He was shot six times. It was obvious the shooter intended to kill him.
I remember the first kiss I placed on his cold lips.
My life has not been the same. People told me it would not be. That is a reality I did not want to accept.
Psalm 23 took on a whole new meaning. Almost seven years later, #IamfindingMyway still.
I am trying to get involved in the fight against gun violence. Every time I say I will attend a meeting, I can’t overcome the anxiety that takes over my mind. I wore my red shirt when I made it to the Wear Orange picnic in Arlington, Texas.
I am also a teacher. I don’t agree with arming teachers mainly because I am black. I believe in an active shooting, a teacher of color with a gun would be shot first and questions later would reveal they are one of the “good girls.”
I miss my son. He has three beautiful children who are also finding their way.