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My already abusive ex-husband loaded his .22 one night in an alcohol-filled rage and held it to my head, demanding answers to ridiculous questions. He calmed down and unloaded it. Then he became enraged again and reloaded it in front of me, to hold it to my head again, asking more ridiculous questions. I received a restraining order (that he tried to get out of, saying he was a chronic alcoholic; the judge almost laughed) and started a criminal domestic violence (CDV) case against him. When I dropped my name from the charges, the state picked them up.

He tried to get out of it by saying that I had bought the gun (true) and that there was no proof (the cops picked up the gun and presented it in the pre-trial hearing). He was convicted of CDV of a high and aggravated nature (HAN) and sentenced to 10 years. That was suspended to 14 months, of which he had already spent 12 in county jail awaiting psychological testing, etc., so his prison sentence was actually only six weeks. To this day, I have severe PTSD.

Reacting shows support for gun violence survivors.
