total hearts received for Moments That Survive

Anthony Boelter "WhiteAntFrmdaEast"

You never think about one day getting a phone call that your son’s friend’s car got shot up, and one of them didn’t make it. I got that call April 25. I never prayed so hard in my life, but it was my son. One of my twin boys’ lives was taken by a gunshot wound to the back of his head. Now I have to tell his twin and two other siblings, as well as my mom and everyone else, that their 21-year-old brother was shot and killed.

Anthony wasn’t the best kid, but he was my kid, and I loved him so much that they used to call him my favorite. He really was my best friend; I cry every day. I will never see him grow up, see what he could have done. He never got married or had babies; he never left the country. His smile was as bright as the sun.

He really did touch so many lives in his short life, and he experienced a lot of life by learning the hard way. Most days I don’t know what to do, and all I think about is what life could have, would have been for Anthony Dario Boelter, 9/15/98-4/25/20.

Reacting shows support for gun violence survivors.
