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Aunt Weezie

In honor of Aunt Louise Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America

My Aunt Louise was so beautiful. So full of life. Full of everything.

An unmatched free spirit whose acts of compassion became legendary.

The Flag Majorette in the Alabama Million Dollar Marching Band.

She loved huskies, purple and bears.

So concerned for the horses housed on a nearby military base, she freed them.

One afternoon she pulled into a gas station, stood on the corner and announced, “Come get FREE gas!”

She handed over her ATM card, and the fuel flowed.

A concerned clerk called the bank and found my uncle. Displeased, he told her to stop.

The gas was cut off, and my Aunt Louise was so angry that she gave the next person in line my uncle’s Porsche.

Aunt Louise was magical.

Aunt Louise was bipolar.

On January 10, 2017, my Aunt Louise sent my uncle out to walk their dog.

She stepped outside, into the front yard of their new home and shot herself in the head.

My Aunt Louise should have NEVER had access to a firearm and ammunition.

She FOUGHT EVERYDAY to SURVIVE her bipolar disorder.

And with that firearm in hand,
all her struggles,
all her accomplishments,
all her magic was gone.


Reacting shows support for gun violence survivors.
