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In memory of Jamond and Christopher

On August 31, 2014, two months after my baby brother, the youngest of seven children, Jamond, graduated from high school, and two weeks before attending college, he was at a friend’s house and his friend was playing with a gun and ended my brother’s life and legacy forever. Losing my baby was the worst feeling of my life until three years later, my oldest son of three boys, Christopher Jr, 19 years and two weeks old, was driving on the highway and got lost as he exited the highway to take the street and a driver became angry because, as he stated, “Chris was driving too slow,” he pulled out a gun in broad daylight and shot my son in the head on May 25, 2017, which ultimately ended his life on May 26, 2017. Four minutes before his life was tragically, my last words to him was “see you soon.” I never thought in a million years that would not be our truth. The lives of my family will never and can’t ever be the same. It is my due diligence to continue the legacy of my sweet son and brother by creating change for the good. Their story is still being written! 

Reacting shows support for gun violence survivors.
