total hearts received for Moments That Survive

Charlene Hoverter, Bob Mokos, Candy Brown

In memory of Diane

We are/were a family of seven children; five girls, two boys. Diane was our parents’ firstborn. She was beautiful, intelligent, caring and fun, and she was able to create a special relationship with each of her siblings. But in the early morning of July 19, 1986, Diane was murdered as she exited her car to enter her church. We don’t know why nor do we know by whom. Each of us was shattered that day, and we remain a bit broken. Although more than 31 years ago, we continue to miss Diane and weep at her absence.

Our family was impacted more than words can say. We had seen our Mom cry rarely before and now it seemed she would never stop.

Our Dad had loved to sing; we never heard him sing again. July 19 burns in our hearts as the day nothing would ever be quite as joyful. We have harnessed our anger and directed our love. Now we three strive to be instruments of peace and help cure this country of this plague of gun violence. So other lives aren’t shattered. So other Dads will sing. So Moms don’t have to cry.

Reacting shows support for gun violence survivors.
