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Cheryl Bowen

My story begins with a sweet teenage romance.

My 16-year-old daughter, Kelsey, who was so extremely shy, had begun dating. I felt the 17-year-old boy came from a decent family.
In just 5 months, things began to unravel, until, on November 21, 2015, approximately 6:39 a.m., the 17-year-old broke into our home and shot both my 22-year-old daughter, Jessica, Kelsey, and himself. We were all awoken by gunshots. We found all three in Kelsey’s bedroom.

The guilt I feel is immeasurable. I’ve seen some signs of teen dating violence, even filing for a ex parte. I feel I let my girls down.

My family is destroyed by the act of gun violence and mental illness.

Reacting shows support for gun violence survivors.
