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Claire Lucas

On September 27, 2006, I was working out of state when I received a phone call from my husband about our daughter. “Claire, I have terrible news. There is a hostage situation at Chelsea’s school. He has explosives and guns, and I can’t reach Chelsea.”

I rushed to my hotel and started throwing my clothes into my suitcase. I turned on the news; there on CNN they were showing aerial shots of Platte Canyon High School in Bailey, Colorado. It was surreal.

Work called: They had found me a seat on the next flight out of Santa Fe, New Mexico, one hour away.

I was a wreck. As we taxied on the runway, the pilot told us to turn off our cell phones. It was so hard to turn off my phone, knowing I would have no way to communicate with anyone for the next 1.5 hour flight.

When I got off the plane, my phone lit up with messages. My husband called: “She is safe.”

I was with Chelsea when she learned that 16-year-old Emily Keys had been shot in the head by the gunman, when she tried to escape.

The trauma of that day haunts us still.

Reacting shows support for gun violence survivors.
