April Fool’s Day 2015, our office was closed for training. Three of my children and I, along with a staff employee, all listened to the EMT instructor until 11:30 a.m. We took our lunch break. Tierney and I left to grab lunch and check on the staff at our daycare on the same street. We left the others in the parking lot, laughing and smiling after a conversation we all had just had. My cell phone rang as we were riding down the street. Per the Caller ID, it was Tamika (employee). I said “Hey,” and she screamed, “Mr. Roy just shot and killed Ms. J and Mr. D!”
In a matter of 25 minutes, my world changed. Two of my children had just been murdered by my estranged son-in-law. We were only three blocks away. By the time Tierney and I arrived back to the office, there was my daughter’s body, lying in the street. The wounded, covered body of the killer lying next to the car, which held my son’s covered body. Twenty-two bullet casings found in the area. They were gone: 29 and 23…