In January 2017, I was shot through my back with a bullet from a drive-by shooting. I was at an all-ages concert at a local venue in Seattle with my 12-year-old son who would have been killed if he had not moved from the spot where he was sitting 10 minutes before. There was a bullet hole in the spot where he was sitting.
I was one out of three victims; the other two had minor injuries. I was hospitalized for two weeks. The recovery was so painful and took me so long. I had a relapse in November 2017 from complications and had to re-live the same surgery over again. The amount of pain, sadness and fear I felt as I was healing is an unexplainable, overwhelming feeling that I would never want anyone to ever have to feel and go through. Not only did it take forever to heal physically, but I am still trying to heal mentally, three years later. Three years of therapy each week for myself and another separate, weekly therapy for my son who now suffers from PTSD and anxiety. We are still healing.