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Domestic Violence Survivor

In 1979, I was a young newlywed. My husband owned three guns — a handgun and two longer guns. He wanted to control me and got into the habit of pointing his guns at me and telling me that if I ever left him, he would kill me. After I put up with this abuse for a couple of years, I finally got brave enough to go to the police.

The police would do nothing. He had not shot me, so no crime was committed. I finally got help from a women’s domestic violence group, which put me in hiding and helped me get a restraining order and a divorce. The last thing my ex-husband said to me is that he will kill me someday. I am still afraid, and that is why I signed this story as Anonymous.

When I joined Moms Demand Action, I was so happy to hear about the new Gun Violence Restraining Order laws being passed in many states. This group gives me hope.

Reacting shows support for gun violence survivors.
