total hearts received for Moments That Survive

Don Don Our King

In honor of Donavan Stephney EPIC

On December 23, 1990, my beautiful firstborn son, Donavan, came into this world. My baby. While celebrating his birthday on December 22, 2021, my son was tragically murdered at his own home by a coward who was practically family. Our entire world shattered.

He was the nucleus of our family. He touched so many lives. He wanted to use his voice while someone else was using a gun. Every person in our family has suffered due to this senseless coward’s violent act. Our holidays, memories, future stolen. My beautiful son should be here today.

He lives; we keep him alive. Donavan is his name: My son, king. My heart broken into pieces. Our lives forever devastated. Donavan “DonDon” forever. We honor Donavan by donating Christmas gifts to children who lost a parent to gun violence. My son lives.

Reacting shows support for gun violence survivors.
