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Dre’s Mom Zanetia

In honor of DreCharles Henry Operation Recovery

On April 26, 2019, I received a call that changed our lives forever. My free-spirited, 22-year-old son Dre had been shot and was being transported to the hospital. To hear the words, “He didn’t make it,” was devastating to my husband and me.

My Dre was a loving and kindhearted person who saw no wrong in anyone and was very trusting. He loved to have fun and never stressed about tomorrow.
On that Friday night, as he stood in an area that he always hung out in, he was shot from behind. The gunman didn’t stop with one shot but fired and hit him a total of five times. All from behind.

This individual, according to law, should not have even had a gun in his possession, but he did. So now our lives have been destroyed.

The pain is unexplainable. I’ll never have that mother and son dance at his wedding; his daughter will grow up without her dad. I’ll never have that grandson he promised me. Unbelievably heartbreaking!

I’m dedicated to keeping his name and memory forever alive. Dre lives through me. Team Dre forever.

Reacting shows support for gun violence survivors.
