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Faces Not Forgotten

In memory of Fr. Larry Rosebaugh and John Ilewski www.facesnotforgotten.org

Ten years ago, I awoke to the horrific news that my dear friend, Father Larry, had been shot and killed in a car jacking. My grief over losing Larry reopened a much older wound of losing my dad to suicide. I’m an artist, but I fell into an abyss, where nothing I could possibly paint seemed worthwhile. Larry was a missionary priest, whose whole life stood for social justice. I reread his letters talking about the vulnerability of the children he was serving. I started Googling children and gun violence. The statistics of loss made my head spin — unfathomable numbers of children lost to gun violence. I found the story of William Jenkins, 16, killed by gun in Chicago. I contacted his dad and asked if I could do William’s portrait. Would it give him some comfort? That was my first Faces Not Forgotten Portrait. Today artists across the country have done over 200 portraits of children age 20 and under for their families. A copy becomes a FNF quilt panel. We are a nonprofit giving comfort and raising awareness with our quilt exhibits of this horrific loss. www.facesnotforgotten.com

Reacting shows support for gun violence survivors.
