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Heidi Williams

Moms against Gun violence

My story happened when I was only in my late 20s. I was in the kitchen when my then-boyfriend and I were sitting down. All of a sudden there were loud blasts. It happened so fast, I didn’t realize it was bullets coming into the house, in the kitchen. Had either of us been standing up, we would have both been shot in the head.

My experience was trauma and PTSD. From then on, any time I hear a gun go off, it returns me to that moment. It was a drug deal gone bad off Chicago and 25 in Minneapolis. The sad thing was the police who showed up didn’t care. They didn’t collect the bullets from the wall, only vaguely took a statement, and I have no idea what happened to the ones who shot into the house from the gas station.

This could have been the end of my life before it began.

I am now 45, almost 46, and I freeze up to this day around the sound of any gunfire or what sounds like it. PTSD does not go away. This happened in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Reacting shows support for gun violence survivors.
