total hearts received for Moments That Survive

Helen Rodrigues

In honor of David J Rodrigues

David was 27 years old when he was shot on the side of the road because he wasn’t going fast enough on the highway. The bullet shattered his spine, leaving him paralyzed from the chest down. He spent a year in the hospital during which time his wife divorced him. He was discharged to our parents, who had to bathe their adult son; they had to dress him, feed him, all the most basic things we take for granted. He could not use a bathroom, drive a car, walk on his two feet, much less work, as all those years ago, they didn’t have voice automation. He was miserable, he was in constant pain. He killed himself finally, after many attempts. That bullet shattered his life and the lives of everyone who loved him. No one is ever the same.

Reacting shows support for gun violence survivors.
