total hearts received for Moments That Survive

His loving wife Diane

In honor of Mark W. Xander

Eight years ago, our family lost a lover of family, friends and life: our Mark. He was shot by our constantly angry neighbor. That individual lost his gun permit twice. And TWICE he was able to get it reinstated.

Maybe not having a permit would not have saved our Mark. That is a recurring nightmare I have. The fact that something might have stopped the gun violence that took our loved one. This is a major flaw in our legal system that I have decided to fight. It took this long because my heart is so broken.

When asked how am I my response is never, “Oh, Great.” I can only respond with being OK. None of our loved ones deserved to be taken from us in such a violent way. We need to continue to fight in their honor. We need to continue to fight so others don’t wake up every day feeling like we do.

Reacting shows support for gun violence survivors.
