Hello, my name is Dom P. Brown, and my story hits a little different. I’d like to say that no, my son wasn’t perfect nor an angel, but he would help anyone in need and was very respectful.
In June 2018, my firstborn son was murdered up the street from my residence. The police were rude, and I still don’t know the truth. In my grief, as well as his siblings’, his baby brother took it the hardest and took his life one year and 15 days later (July 15, 2019).
I will forever be heartbroken, and I really wish these murderers know that when you kill a loved one, you don’t just kill that person, you’re killing that whole family! It doesn’t get easier with time, but I have to keep pushing for my three living children. Nobody has the right to play God! Thank you. #LLM2Js