Jeremiah Mcdade was killed on May 12, 2017.
Prior to that day, Jeremiah was in Montgomery, Alabama, visiting and preparing to start a job. That morning was just like any other morning. We had our morning talk, and he mentioned to me about staying possibly for the summer and working a job and then returning back to Atlanta after his son’s mother finished school. We chatted and he told me how much he loved his girlfriend and son. At about 2:30 I got a call saying he had been shot. I panicked and I quickly drove to Alabama. When I was coming to exit 18, LaGrange, Georgia, I got the call he was gone and my life instantly changed. I later that day found out he was killed over a girl that wasn’t his girlfriend!! Every day me and my fight with this hurts. Some days are OK, but most days are very hard. What brings me a little comfort is his forever love, Little Daylan. We knew how much Jeremiah wanted to be a great dad to him. We will continue to love Daylan and keep Jeremiah’s name alive until we meet again.