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Jacquies story

My friend was murdered in front of three people at an end of summer/birthday party. I was at the party when I heard gunshots. I ran into the common hallway to find my new friend lying on the ground in a pool of blood. I began CPR and had a friend call 911; meanwhile, the killer ran. My other friend tumbled him to the ground and the police came.

I continued to give CPR while the 911 dispatcher gave me directions. The police would not allow the EMTs in because they needed to make sure the killer was apprehended. The police then grabbed his leg and pulled him outside, where I continued to give him CPR and talk to him.

Moments later, my friend took his last breath and died before my eyes. It still haunts me to this day. A senseless act done by a drunk man who we were just trying to get to bed. He was only 21. Rest in peace, Chad.

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