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In memory of Justice Mitchell

My life forever changed on June 26, 2017.

I had just left for vacation and was gone just one day when I was woken up to a phone call that shattered my world. It was another mother crying and asking if it were true. I had no idea what she was talking about until she let me know my 18-year-old son was gone.

At this point I lost it, as I searched for details about what happened to my baby. I frantically called the police station, hospitals and my son Justice’s phone with no answers. I searched the internet looking for clues to tell me what was going on at home. No one would tell me anything, when finally, the phone call came that no mother wants to receive.

My son Justice was gone. He had been shot and did not make it.

I’ve never felt so helpless. I was left with no answers. With no details, I immediately packed up and started the long journey back home to learn what had happened.

My son had just graduated high school a month earlier and was preparing for the next chapter of his life in college.

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