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In honor of D"Carlos Fransawa' Gamble

My name is Carole Gamble Randall, and on July 1, 2018, my only child’s—my son’s—life was taken from me and my family by gun violence. Someone he was riding with sat behind him in a vehicle, shot him through the seat and didn’t seek medical help for him. Instead, instead, the two suspects drove him from the scene of the crime and went home. One suspect went home, while the other suspect who shot my son got out from behind the seat where my son was killed and and took off in the vehicle. Took my son from Washington County, Georgia, still not seeking any help for my son.

This tragedy has taken a toll on my life, bring health problems and many changes. My son was a good man—lots of laughter and love for everyone who knew him. He always worked after graduating from high school, never caused any trouble, sweet and humble. My heart is broken into pieces. I loved my son.

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