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LaTonya Boyd

In memory of Tyesha McNair

My life changed on the date my 21-year-old daughter Tyesha was shot to death. I won’t ever forget October 13, 2009. The father of her children shot her to death, leaving my granddaughters —  at the time 2 and a half years old and 6 months old — motherless. My daughter Tyesha loved being a mother; she believed in family. He not only shot her but a friend of hers as well. My daughter was a fighter, but some things you can’t fight. Tyesha was a glamorous girl who loved her daughters and life itself. She like doing things with her siblings. Her favorite color is pink. She was very close to her siblings, even though she lived in another state. She just got done getting her CNA before she was murdered. So I have been Tyesha’s voice since her murder.

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