total hearts received for Moments That Survive


In memory of Madeline

Going into this week from a million different directions. It’s already February, and time continues to propel. This little blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl would be turning 19 on the 6th. Nineteen. And I’ve missed it all while simultaneously being present for every minute as a survivor. That’s not the perspective I wanted.

This year I will not be slammed by it, as I’ve got so much going on that I won’t feel so consumed. For now, in these pre-moments, I remember what I had. And Thursday will bring cake. And an overwhelming understanding of the importance of gun violence and mental health awareness. Sh*t got real.

I would not do what I do in life if it weren’t for you and your story, my girl! Happy (?) Almost 19th Birthday, Maddie!

2-6-2001 ~ 10-20-2003

Reacting shows support for gun violence survivors.
