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Maurice Wilson

In memory of Maurice Wilson

My name is Rebecca Wilson, mother to Maurice Wilson. Maurice was only 18 years old when his life was taken by gun violence on September 8, 2021. Maurice was so very intelligent, with so much life to live. He was kind to everyone he met, and his infectious smile lit up every room he walked into.

Losing my son has completed shattered my world. Not a day goes by that I don’t cry. His siblings both younger and older struggle with the acceptance of his departure from the physical world. His younger sister and brother especially struggle, as they looked up to him and were so extremely close. Maurice and his now 7-year-old sister called each other their “twin,” and not seeing him everyday has completely uprooted her world.

I want people to understand: When they make a decision to take a gun out and kill another human, it doesn’t just affect the person at either end of the firearm. ENTIRE families are effected. Maurice advocated in the community for gun safety prior to his death, and I continue to do so in his name today. RiseUp4Reese will save and change lives in Maurice’s name.

Reacting shows support for gun violence survivors.
