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Megan O'Donnell

As a survivor of the Route 91 Harvest Festival shooting in Las Vegas, on October 1, 2017, I can tell you that since then, everything has been different. There are things like fireworks and car backfires that send my body into a panic that I can’t control, complete with goosebumps and a thumping heart. But there is also gratitude for so many things, including the ability to continue to share my story so that others never experience what I did that night. There is the music, the very thing that caused me to be a part of this horrific experience, which was also the thing that helped to heal me. And there is an appreciation for every day of life — both good and bad — because I am so fortunate to still be able to live it, when so many others that night do not get that chance. Life is different, and my sense of security was ripped away, but I have vowed — and tried — to live every day to the fullest because I now am acutely aware that tomorrow is not guaranteed.

Reacting shows support for gun violence survivors.
