Gun violence has impacted and forever changed every area of my life. The way I look at the world has changed, my sense of safety has changed, being a mother of three has changed, my holidays have changed, birthdays have changed, and the way I feel when I look at the face of a mother whose child was taken by gun violence has changed. Most of all, my unstoppable fight for gun safety has been inspired by Moms Demand Action and Everytown for Gun Safety.
There is no comparable bond to the one between mother and child. Not because we did more, not because they loved us more, and not because we loved them more; it’s because we held our babies in our stomachs, and it was “just us.”
Gun violence took my Chuck, but nothing can ever take my memory of nine whole months of “just us.” I’m so grateful to have a global network of Survivors who “get it,” and I’m proud to be in this fight with Moms Demand Action, fighting for gun sense in America. Watch us work!