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Michele Norton

My name is Michele, and I am a survivor of gun violence.

On the afternoon of October 25, 1995, in Seattle, Washington, I was held at gunpoint during a violent “take over” robbery at the bank where I was employed as the assistant branch manager.

The assailant, referred to as “Hollywood,” is documented by the FBI as one of the most prolific bank robbers in the history of America.

On a rainy fall day, Hollywood walked into the bank and proceeded directly towards me with his gun extended. I was unknowingly being cast as his “co-star” for this heinous production.

My life and the life of four others in the bank were spared that day, but I was forever changed, due to the long-lasting effects of PTSD.

I’m one of many survivors using our voices in the fight for sensible gun laws. It’s important to listen to survivors share their stories, so we can learn from one another as to why and how to effectively advocate for sensible change to end gun violence in America.

Reacting shows support for gun violence survivors.
