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Miles McGlashan

In memory of Miles Alexi McGlashan Miles McGlashan Scholarship Fund

I am sharing this heartbreaking story with tears, sadness. A visceral pain and disbelief.

On November 9, 2022, my son left my home on a break from college, and my last words to him were, “be careful, I love you.” Miles never returned home that evening and passed away from gun violence on January 19, just shy of his 20th birthday.

Miles ordered an Uber driver, not knowing the driver’s history of domestic violence, road rage and multiple traffic violations — or that he was transporting him while carrying a firearm. Miles was brutally gunned down in front of his grandparents’ house by the Uber driver who claimed the “stand your ground” law. This is after Miles exited the vehicle and he was pursued.

The driver will carry on with his life while robbing my 19-year-old son of his future.

Miles is not alive to tell his side of the story, like so many others …

Miles was loving, charismatic and had a great sense of humor — he was and is my happiness that I will always carry with me. This act of gun violence and injustice is a tragedy that will never be forgotten.

Eternal rest grant unto Miles, O Lord.

Reacting shows support for gun violence survivors.
