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In memory of Mariee’ MoeSlutz Beardon

The last time I saw my son, I hugged him and told him, “I love you, Moe, and I’m so proud of you.” Moe hugged me back and told me he loved me too. That’s my last memory of my son before he left to cut hair.

During the pandemic, my son Moe traveled all over the Bay Area as a mobile barber. Due to his talents, Moe became popular and well-known quickly. Moe provided a service that was unavailable at the time, which caused his availability to become very limited. Moe told me he had heads to cut, across the bay. He never returned home that night.

His body was found in Richmond, California, the following morning. He was shot in his face and chest dozens of times. He did not deserve to die at 24. Moe was the oldest of four children, and his siblings depended on their big brother for so much in life. He meant so much to so many people. Moe was kind and funny and had a style that no one can copy. Truly one of a kind. I will miss you, Moe. Mommy loves you!

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