total hearts received for Moments That Survive

Nancy T

Nancy T

My son was 20 when he was accidentally shot by one of his friends on September 20, 2013. Our family was never interested in firearms (both my ex-husband and I moved here from France, and there’s no such thing as gun culture there). In Colorado you can bring a firearm into somebody’s house legally, so one of his friends did that to show off. Another boy grabbed it to see, and the shot went off through my son’s chest while he was sitting on the couch. His dad wasn’t at his house at the time. To all who say that “guns don’t kill people, people kill people,” I will say this: There were knives, power tools, pool sticks — all kinds of things you can get hurt with in that house. Heck, I could kill someone with a pencil if I wanted to … none of these killed my boy. These are objects that have a purpose: tools of daily life. A gun has only one purpose, to kill (or inflict harm). Why do so many people want to have them around? Logan was the sunshine of my life, his sister’s, his dad’s, family and friends’.

Reacting shows support for gun violence survivors.
