total hearts received for Moments That Survive

Peter Westin

1) Luby’s Cafeteria (Killeen, TX). The day before the killer rammed a truck through the window, my wife and kids were sitting at that exact table. Also, our dog’s veterinarian plus a fellow Army officer were among those killed.

2) Atlanta Day Trader killer. Prowled my former sales territory (I knew the offices; none shot thankfully). Father of a new coworker hid in his office while hearing shots. Killer terminated at a gas station yards away from my sister-in-law’s window while she watched.

3) Recent shooting at University of Virginia, and three football players killed and one wounded. I am former faculty at UVA; my wife’s coworker had three of the students in various classes.
The “Memory Bridge” at UVA was painted and signed in the next couple of days and remains untouched about two months later. Usually repainted with new message every two to three weeks.

I can’t hear about these or think about these without tears in my eyes every time — even years later. A different form of emotional pain and PTSD. Too close, too many times.

Be cautious, but we must still look to a positive future.

Be well. Cheers!

Reacting shows support for gun violence survivors.
