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Ruby Millner

This journey that I have been on has changed my life forever. Whoever I was before this, I am no longer. I never pictured myself in this position. Right now, the pain of losing my only son is excruciating, and what hurts the most is that we have to repeat this same cycle, every single day, every year. We are not given the opportunity to have a break because our loved ones are not here. I never questioned God and why he took my son. I just asked God to carry me through because, at the time, I had no idea if I would still be standing. With the grace of God and the women in my circle, I am still here.

My son’s name is Rasaan Lee Millner. He lived December 24, 1980 to May 5, 2014. My son was shot one time, and he bled out. Unlike me—I am still bleeding every day. There is not a day that goes by that my son’s memory doesn’t pass through me. I have my two girls, who were also deeply affected by this. Our lives will never be the same. I hope and pray that we can be able to stop gun violence.

Reacting shows support for gun violence survivors.
