My son Malachi Hemphill died April 11, 2017. He was given a gun from a friend for an iPhone. He was 13 years old. He was playing with the gun while on live social media and accidentally shot himself in the head. The gun was stolen by his friend from the friend’s neighbor’s house. The gun was never reported stolen, and the owner didn’t even know it was missing. He said, when approached by detectives, that he has so many, he didn’t look for it. It was kept in his console in his unlocked car. My son was loved by a lot of people and teachers and mentors. He is survived by his sister and I and aunt and grandma. My life nor family has not been the same since. He made it to the hospital after his sister and I kicked in his door after we heard the shot. He was stable, then the doctors said his heart stopped. When his heart stopped, ours did too. Rest In Peace Malachi Nasir Hemphill ❤️