total hearts received for Moments That Survive

Sharon Kemble


Daniel was full of life. He loved to ride dirt bikes and play basketball. He also loved to get milkshakes with his son, Daniel. Daniel was the one everyone would call to come help if they had a problem or a fight. Daniel could either talk or fight his way out of a situation. I told him over and over to stop picking up for people, but he wouldn’t listen to me.

The night of July 2, 2015, two boys were robbed at the park located on the corner of my street. Daniel and I were outside talking while he took apart a piece on his motorcycle. We heard the gunshot, and a few minutes later, they walked up to us. Twelve hours later my son was dead! He went to try to get back the boys’ phones. As he walked into the killer’s path, he shot him once in the hip, paused, then put two more in his back. My son didn’t even make it to the hospital. Now my grandson, daughter and I are heartbroken forever. A medium told me my son told him to tell me, “I should have listened to you!”

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