My son Keegan Von Robert, a great father and friend to all, was shot on July 20, 2017, at 12 a.m. while sitting in his car on date night with his pregnant wife, Eliany. Eli was five months pregnant, and after witnessing the murder of her husband, she lost little Elieonai due to stress on July 20 2017! They had a 1 year old, Y’naile.
The shooter left the safety of his home with a loaded gun to confront Keegan over a piece of paper that blew in his yard. After my son begged him to leave, he put a note on their car front car window that wouldn’t roll down, as they sat there in it. The shooter wrote “Neighbor, I’m trying to be nice, but if you keep throwing trash on the ground you leave me no choice but to call the authorities. The ball is in your court and the law is on my side.” They were, his dad who raised him is law enforcement.
After luring my son out of the car, they argued, and he shot him three times and killed my son. He then claimed Stand Your Ground and self-defense.
He was never arrested, and the State Attorney said there was not enough evidence for him to be arrested, not even for a night.
My attorney here in Jacksonville, Florida, says, this is the most abused case he has ever worked with: “You can’t confront someone, start a confrontation, and shoot your way out, then claim Stand Your Ground or self defense.”
I will keep fighting for my precious boy who met no strangers, was a big ole’ gentleman kind of guy, hard working, a great son, husband, brother, uncle, and loved all. Peace and keep the faith to all victims. I am color-blind and I am a mother against Stand Your Ground. Love you all.