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Tamiko Holmes

In memory of my son, my daughter, my brother

Violence interrupted my life in 2015. I lost two children within six months apart; my life was devastated, and I couldn’t believe this had happened to me and my family. I cannot believe that five teenage boys had decided to rob a hotel party without thinking, shooting through a door, where my oldest daughter, Jahara Kennedy, was shot in the head.

Within six months and 11 days, I received a dreadful call in the wee hours of my night: My son was shot in the head, sitting in the car. I cannot believe that this happened again. In February 2018, I received another call in the early morning that my only brother was murdered in the city of Miami, Florida. So I say how have gangbangers interrupted my life? It has taken my life. Gun violence here in my city is out of control. Things for me today will never be the same. I struggle every day of fighting back tears and questions of why? Almost 80 percent of youth today in my city have access of weapons, and knowing that, my other children aren’t even safe.

Reacting shows support for gun violence survivors.
