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Tammy Parrish

In honor of Domain Leonard Taylor

On November 20, 2011, our son Domain was shot down by three masked men while leaving out the driveway of a friend’s house. Domain was in the car with his roommate, who was the driver, and another young man, who was in the back seat; they both stated that three masked men ambushed them. During the shooting, my son was struck on the torso. Domain told his roommate he was hit; his roommate drove at a high speed, fleeing the gunman, trying to get Domain to a hospital. While on the main street, a car came out, ran the stop sign and struck the car, pinning Domain in the vehicle. When the paramedics arrived, Domain had to be cut out of the vehicle; he was rushed to Grady Hospital, and a hour later he was pronounced dead. The bullet had traveled and pierced his heart, the doctors told us if he had gotten there sooner he might have had a chance, but he had lost too much blood.

This was the worst day of our life. l couldn’t believe my son was gone. The pain of losing a child is devastating. A part of me died the day my son died. I always thought that l would go before my children; instead l had to bury son. Today my family and l are still fighting for justice. This year would be eight years and we still have no answers but we’re not giving up. God is in control. Please continue to pray for me and my family.

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