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Terri Mawdsley

In memory of Stevie

A few days after my nephew, Stevie, killed himself with a firearm, I was in my local grocery store and overheard two women affectionately complaining about their age twenty-something sons. I thought of my brother and sister-in-law and how they would never have the chance to engage in such conversations again, and I wondered to myself if these mothers knew just how lucky they were to have their sons alive and well enough to annoy them. I avoid that grocery store now. If I must go there, I immediately feel a weight descend on me and my attention is drawn to all the young men browsing the aisles. My anxiety grows as I wonder if any of these young men are feeling the way my nephew did before he shot himself, and I want to save them all. I gain peace by continuing my advocacy in the gun violence prevention movement. I know the work we do may not save all young men from gun violence, but it will save at least one, and that makes it all worthwhile.

Reacting shows support for gun violence survivors.
