total hearts received for Moments That Survive

Tiffany Tootle

In memory of Tyquise Timmons M.R.S. (Mother's Restoring Strength)

My life changed on January 20, 2016 due to gun violence. That’s the night my son Tyquise Timmons was murdered.

I used to be a happy-going person, now I don’t know what that word means. My life now feels like a giant black hole; everything in my life is suffering. My health is bad; I suffer now with depression and anxiety. It’s just a life now of medication, trying to deal with the night and daymares, re-living that night over and over, knowing he was hit seven times, and once to the head, just a block and a half from home. I cry just about everyday. I really know now why its called a broken heart. Because I literally felt my heart break that night … just thinking about it hurts.

Reacting shows support for gun violence survivors.
