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Tracy Scales-Dent

In honor of Jonathan McCravey and Jalen Cockerham

My mission and purpose here on Earth is now to advocate against senseless gun violence.

I’ve never imagined my life changing so drastically, forever. Yes, I have been affected personally by senseless gun violence. My oldest son, Jonathan McCravey, was shot during a drive-by on May 26, 2016, and transitioned to being with the Lord from his injury on May 27, 2016. I witnessed such a tragedy and senseless act of violence along with seven other family members who were saved by God’s grace and mercy. Yes! We should have all been dead! Right here in Winston-Salem, North Carolina!

He was a father of two beautiful daughters, ages 3 and 13 years old, an entrepreneur of a locally owned cleaning and trucking company, and a 2011 graduate of Winston-Salem State University in Rehabilitation Studies.

Three years later, on May 18, 2019, the father of my two handsome Nana Boys, ages 1 year and 5 years old, Jalen Cockerham, a locally known rapper, lost his life to a cowardly and senseless drive-by shooting. Right here in Winston-Salem, North Carolina!

God has strengthened me to be bold and fearless, to thrive to fight against gun violence and for gun laws.

Reacting shows support for gun violence survivors.
