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Tyler Gilbert

My name is Christie Gilbert, and my precious son, Tyler Gilbert, age 12, was murdered by his father on August 4, 2021. Tyler was an amazing son and the light of my life. We had an incredibly close bond like no other. My whole being is completely shattered by this.

Tyler was murdered by his father, but there are many people along the way that had a part in this.  He was let out of jail a few weeks after he committed serious crimes in December. Very minimal conditions. Nobody was supervising him. It’s very evident to any sane person that the outcome of these charges was totally, disgustingly inappropriate. And he was let out on conditions of release that included he not possess firearms and not drink or use drugs. He was released to a home that had loaded weapons that were not locked up.

Tyler’s headstone went up the same day he was supposed to start seventh grade. Tyler was a kind, loving, smart boy who would’ve had a wonderful life. He was a loving son, brother, grandson and friend.

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