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I was texting with my dear friend on December 14, 2012, while she was locked in her classroom with her second graders. As the events unfolded and the enormity of the tragedy was revealed, I was grateful that she and her students were moved safely to the firehouse nearby and her exit from the school shielded them from the carnage in the classrooms and hallway.

But then she asked me what happened. How do you tell someone you love that 20 children and 6 educators died in her school? In her safe space? Should I tell her? I told her the truth, and I relive that moment every day, wondering if I should I have. Would she have been better off hearing it from her husband? Did I say it right? And then I think that this happens every day – someone has to deliver news like this to family, friends, communities. Every day. And no matter what we say, we can’t take away the pain and trauma.

Reacting shows support for gun violence survivors.
